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by Karamello007
2023 Aug 05, 20:57
Forum: Tutorials
Topic: Debian Jessie RDP (xrdp)
Replies: 8
Views: 8641

Re: Debian Jessie RDP (xrdp)

Minimal RAM 2GB, 1cVPU, 2GB storage Operating system: Debian 8 Jessie Update packages apt update Install desktop environment apt install xfce4 xfce4-goodies xorg dbus-x11 x11-xserver-utils Install xrdp apt install xrdp Check xrdp service status: systemctl status xrdp Restart xrdp service systemctl ...
by Karamello007
2023 Aug 05, 20:57
Forum: Tutorials
Topic: Debian Jessie RDP (xrdp)
Replies: 8
Views: 8641

Re: Debian Jessie RDP (xrdp)

Hello dear Serveroffer team, this is my email: I am facing a major issue with logging in to your website. Firstly, my server is expiring tomorrow morning. To extend its duration, I loaded $70 onto the server as usual, but unfortunately, I am unable to proceed. Upon logging in,...

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